Punish Organized Retail Theft
The 2024 legislative session is underway and to begin, I have already introduced legislation to address organized retail theft. Organized retail theft continues to hurt California communities and businesses, and Senate Bill (SB) 928 will keep an important prosecutorial tool available to punish thieves who commit organized retail theft.
SB 928 removes a sunset on a provision of the law that allows a prosecuting authority to aggregate crimes of theft to reach the threshold for grand theft charges. Penal code 490.4 has been effectively used by law enforcement and prosecutors to enforce criminal penalties. If we do not do anything to preserve this tool for our law enforcement, this provision will expire on January 1, 2026. District attorneys testified in front of the Little Hoover Commission in December of 2023 that this penal code has been particularly helpful in their limited tool box in prosecuting the matter.

Budget Update
Every January, the governor presents his budget proposal, and his most recent proposal from January 10 can be found on the Department of Finance website. As the Vice Chair of the Senate Budget and Fiscal Review Committee, I am always paying attention to the state’s economic trends and the past, current, and future budget’s impact on my constituents.
Reckless spending in previous years inflated the state’s budget to unprecedented levels, something that was never sustainable in the event of an economic downturn. Now, with the $68 billion deficit that the state is facing, I will continue to urge the governor and the legislature to exercise fiscal prudence. One thing is certain. When faced with a deficit, the sooner the problem is addressed, the less pain it will cause.

Constituent Services
I have four offices to serve you located in Roseville, Rancho Cordova, Yuba City, and by the State Capitol. If you have issues with state agencies that I can assist, please contact one of my offices. A couple of weeks ago, my district staff helped a constituent, a mother of four. She is a construction worker who was laid off in December due to rain and was having a difficult time getting through to the Employment Development Department. Her family was at the very last drop of their savings. My office stepped in and served as the constituent’s liaison to make sure she received her unemployment benefits.
Caroline Mathews
Meet Caroline from Marysville! She’s currently attending Cal Poly San Luis Obispo and is a third year student with a major in Animal Science and with a minor in Ag Business. She was recognized at the State Capitol for leading her polo team to win the Division II Women’s National Intercollegiate Championship last year! She is the team captain and received the All Star Award of the tournament. Smart, strong, and determined. Way to go, Caroline!

California has established the CalKIDS program creating a college or career training savings account for California kids born on or after July 1, 2022 or eligible low-income public school students in grades 1-12.
To learn more about the program and to register your child, visit https://calkids.org/.

Niello in the News
San Francisco Standard: Driving 10 MPH Too Fast? This California Lawmaker Wants Tech To Stop You
California Sen. Roger Niello, the Republican Vice-Chair of the Transportation Committee, where Wiener’s bill is headed, sees things differently.
“Mandating speed-limiting controls on all vehicles, when the vast majority of drivers are not reckless, is just simply government overreach,” Niello said. “The solution is more law enforcement on our streets with severe consequences to those who show complete disregard for traffic laws.”
Calmatters: Newsom OK’d a minimum wage increase for health care workers. Now he wants to delay it
Newsom’s signature on the bill surprised some lawmakers because they anticipated a steep deficit.
“While we didn’t know what the deficit was at the time, I, at least, was assuming that the news was going to be not good and I couldn’t understand why we would be so deliberately adding to our own overhead,” said Sen. Roger Niello, a Fair Oaks Republican who sits as vice chair of the Senate budget and fiscal review committee.
The Epoch Times: Confusion Reigns During California Legislature’s Review of Newsom’s Budget Proposal
In the meetings thus far, with billions of dollars promised and insufficient funds to fulfill obligations, legislators debated over how best to manage cuts. […] “This budget prioritizes benefits to non-citizens over citizens who are suffering developmental disabilities and adequate help for hospitals,” Sen. Roger Niello, vice chair of the Senate Budget Committee, said during the same hearing.

California Sen. Roger Niello, vice chair of the Senate Budget and Fiscal Review Committee, asks questions during a meeting in Sacramento, Calif., on Jan. 23, 2024. (Travis Gillmore/The Epoch Times)