SB 1259 – California Environmental Quality Act Judicial Review

Summary: SB 1259 makes four important changes to CEQA:

  • The timeline for challenges and appellate review will be limited to 365 days for all major commercial, housing, and public works projects over $25 million dollars where it can be shown that these projects will help address longstanding critical needs in the project areas. 
  • It would require parties filing CEQA lawsuits to identify individuals/groups providing $10,000 or more for the preparation of the lawsuit to disclose the economic interest(s) of those opposing or seeking to modify an approved project. 
  • This bill would limit the ability of the courts to stop projects from proceeding once they have been approved, except in circumstances where there are clear and direct threats to public health, the environment, and other important benefits. 
  • SB 1259 would limit settlements to environmental issues related to the project such as mitigation measures or project alternatives that materially reduce significant physical impacts to the environment.

Click here to read the bill language.